
You wanted more options. We delivered with a curated collection of amazing appliances.

The first seed was planted for Curated Appliance Group many years ago when the owner of TRAULSEN & CO, Harry Traulsen, introduced the first commercial refrigerator for the home - the Traulsen Ultra. Mr. Traulsen produced the highest quality commercial refrigeration for restaurants, hospitality, healthcare and many more commercial applications. He had many requests from Chefs to install the Traulsen in their homes. He did this for years as a way to provide his commercial customers with the best most accurate refrigeration available for their homes. The Ultra was produced with built in specs but maintained the “heart” of the commercial units. Trauslen started the stainless steel craze in home kitchens.

We followed the desire for people wanting the best performance in every aspect at home. We curated the most desired commercial appliances for you to consider for your home or projects. Some brands we represent build exactly to your specifications - just like a commercial customer. Others brands we represent offer their “standard model” exactly what you can purchase in a restaurant.

You wanted more options. Contact us to learn more.